I got a mail yesterday which had some 1liners...
Most of it r excuses or excellent exclamations or facts, or watever u call it...
V can use it as our Chat Status, Twitter Status, SMSes,
or jst read n hav some smiles.....
dey r as follows:
Wenever i find d key 2 success, sum1 changes d lock!
2 Err is human, but 2 forgive is not a COMPANY policy!
Road2Success??..... is alwys under construction!
Alcohol doesnt solve ny problems, but if u think again, neither does Milk!
All d desirable things in life r either illegal, expensive or fattening!
Since Light travels faster dan Sound, people appear brighter before u hear!
Every1 has a scheme of g8ing rich..... Which never works!
If at 1st u dont succeed? Destroy all evidence dat u ever tried!
U can never determine which side of d bread 2 butter. If it falls down, it wil alwys land on d buttered side!
Nythin dropped on d floor wil roll over 2 d most inaccessible corner!
42.7% of all statistics is made on d spot!
As soon as u mention sumthin..... If it is good, it is taken?. If it is bad, it happens!
He who has d gold, makes d rules ---- Murphy's golden rule!
If u come early, d bus is late. If u come late?? d bus is still late!
Once u hav bought sumthin, u wil find d same item being sold sumwhere else at a cheaper rate!
Wen in a queue, d other line alwys moves faster & d person in front of u wil alwys hav d most complex of transactions!
Wen on call, if u hav paper, u dont hav a pen. If u hav a pen, u dont hav paper. If u hav both, no 1 calls!
If u hav bunked d class, d professor has taken attendance!
U wil pick up maximum wrong numbers wen on roaming!
D door bell or ur mobile wil alwys ring wen u r in d bathroom!
After a long wait for bus no. 20, two 20 number buses wil alwys pull in 2gether & d bus which u g8 in wil b crowded dan
d other!
If ur exam is 2morrow, der wil b a power cut 2nite!
Irrespective of d direction of d wind, d smoke from d cigarette wil alwys tend 2 go 2 d non-smoker!
B4 borrowing money from a friend, decide whether u need more!
Der r 3 sides 2 every argument: ur side, my side.... & d rite side!
An expert is sum1 who takes a subject u understand & makes it sound confusing!
Many things can b preserved in alcohol. Dignity, however, is not 1 of dem!
Never argue with a fool. People might not kno d difference!
Wen u r rite, no 1 remembers. Wen u r wrong, no 1 4rg8s!
Alwys remember dat u r absolutely unique... Just like every1 else!
Every1 makes mistakes. d trick is 2 make dem wen nobody is looking!
Where der is a WILL, der is a WAY.... Where der is MONEY, der r many WAYS!
Where der is MONEY, der r many FRIENDS & RELATIVES!
Everybody wants 2 go 2 heaven, but nobody wants 2 die!
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